Posted on Jan 09, 2018
The Ranch Golf Club has informed us that they would be charging us an additional $500 a week for the use of the location starting January. Quite the raise from $175 a week. We opted to find another location. Evergreen Valley College (EVC) President Keith Aytch, and member of the San Jose East/Evergreen Rotary (SJEE) has been kind enough to find us a location on the EVC campus for the month of January. 
The attached is a map of the campus. We will be meeting in the Gullo Student Center in the conference room next to the cafeteria. The cafeteria is indicated by "4" on the map. Once on campus, follow the signs to Parking Lot 7, park there, and follow signs to Gullo not Gullo II. The campus is located at:
Meetings will start at 12:15 pm as always. The cost of lunch is $20.00.