Customary when a Rotarian visits from another club, we exchange club banners. At the March 17, 2022 club meeting we had just such an opportunity as our guest speaker was in town on a visit from India.
Photo credit: Deepali Sinha
"Brief about Rtn Manmohan Maini: Rotarian since 1996, Past President Manmohan Maini is an Electronics and Telecommunications Engineer with three master degrees in Computer Science, Computer Applications and Business Administration on Marketing. Deputy General Manager with Department of Telecommunications, Government of India, he belongs to Rotary Club Ambala Central, R I D 3080, India as Vice President for the year 2021-22. Regular blood donor, he has completed 56 donations till date. Served as Assistant Governor two times and presently serving as District Secretary Communication. He is the recipient of International highest recognition in the Rotary world of service i.e. “Service Above self” Award during 2014-15. Blessed with daughter and son. Daughter is pursuing Doctor of Dental Surgery from University of Michigan and son is working with Cisco at San Jose"